Sunday, January 15, 2006



Yup.. it's that Chinese new year shopping frenzy again. Was super irritated with the huge throng of crowds EVERYWHERE... Geez.. but can't blame them. With the past week of constant raining, everyone was finally relieved to be able to do some shopping when the sun finally peeked I guess? I can just imagine those shop-o-holics in cold turkey stage.. ha ha *let me out... let me out.. need... shopping... *

Unfortunately, I had to do some shopping of my own. Had to get some nice heels for Chinese New Year. What makes it even more urgent, would be other half's mother's superstition. She believes that during Chinese new year, it is not good to get shoes cos in cantonese, shoes are called hai. So she believes that if u buy shoes during this period, u will be sighing for the rest of the year, indicating a lot of troubles. Other half is strictly banned from buying shoes during that one whole month. Me? I just follow it for precautions sake. (But then again, I have been told that I sigh a lot... so it isn't a huge difference to me! Bwah ha ha ha)

Ok, I digress with that Cantonese superstitious tid-bit. Back to the main point. Looking at the crowds, I was crediting myself for buying clothes in HK. At least i eradicated long queues for the fitting room! But it doesn't stop my woes there... Buying shoes have always been a huge headache for me. Being a size 40 in SG is not a good thing. When I see a nice pair, i will only be disappointed when they tell me that they do not have the available size. I even suffered the ultimate insult of the sales girl telling me to try on the men's version of a pair of moccasins... (i bought the men's version by the way).

And from young, Dad has been making fun of me, saying that I should look for size G (G for GIANT). I could even share shoes with my bro! And yesterday night, my idiot friends made fun of me saying that the huge foot prints they found in JB were actually made by me and not the suspected yeti like creature.... BAsket

So a quote from the movie IN HER SHOES: Diets don't work, clothes don't fit, but shoes will always fit... yeah... right

so the onward quest for finding the right shoe... sigh...

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