Monday, May 29, 2006


Frustrated Human... BAH!!!!

Things have been pretty frustrating for me recently. And it is all due to human nature. Yes.. humans.. us.. homosapians... the parasites of earth.. Sigh.. why can't humans be deciphered easily? Or rather, why must life be so complicated? If the almighty one figured that we needed challenge, well congratulations... Man (or woman) must be your finest, most complicated creation.. and it must have been some job cos you had to rest on the 7th day (he created so many things from Day 1 to Day 5.. but he didn't rest in between. Only when he created man on the 6th Day, he just had to rest on the 7th. Must be some tough job).

Sigh.. human nature... The questions spinning around in my head day after day...
1) Why ask for my opinion when u already have your fixed set of ideas? Or rather, you have your answer in your head, so you only need someone else to give an affirmation? And when the answer is not what you want to hear u ignore me? If that's the case, I won't be dispensing advice in the future. At least not to u. I hate being ignored.

2) Why avoid? Why the uneasiness? Why the cold shoulder? Why ignore? Why the distance? Why the gap?

3) Why fight? Especially when it is not worth fighting for? Does it really have to be this way? Is there really no other way to handle it? After so many years, you mean it's down the drain? Just like that? Just because of a misunderstanding? Because of miscommunication?

4) Why procrastinate? When things have to be done, they have to be done. Why do u put it off? Why do you choose not to handle it? Why do u leave it hanging? I am seriously not the best person to be talking about this subject. But when it means a lot to me, I act. Why didn't you? Time is not right or more time is needed? Or u simply can't be bothered?

Sigh.. just too much negativity here. Its times like these that I wish there was this enclave I can run to and disappear from it all.

somehow I can relate to what you are trying to say...hmm...
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